So, What Does Burning The Qur’an Mean To You?

It was bound to happen.  With as much publicity The Pastor We Do Not Speak Of (TPWDNSO) received last September for threatening to burn a copy of the Qur’an, I think we all assumed this was not the last we heard from this guy. It was finally discovered that TPWDNSO held a mock trial, finding Islam and its holy bok “guilty” and the punishment was death by burning.

If you have been following the news, then you know there was a major backlash in Afghanistan as a result of his “trial” and “sentence.”  God’s Politics blog featured a write up by a professor from Wheaton College, Gary Burge.  In it he presented 2 questions that have to be answered.  What makes TPWDNSO do such brutal and hateful things?  Secondly, why do Muslims around the world respond so passionately and outrageously to things some nut is doing in po-dunk Florida.

What does it mean to you to see TPWDNSO burning Islam’s holy book? Are you offended?  Indifferent?  Feel justified?

How do you feel when you see Muslims in Afghanistan reacting so brutally over TPWDNSO’s actions? Does this enrage you to see Muslims raiding U.N. buildings and killing “innocent” people?

Both have to stop.

Neither can be justified, explained, defended or encouraged.  How can we be sure and passionate in our faith and yet live peacefully and gracefully in this world. That is a tough question to answer, but in no way do I see antagonizing or destroying those different than us as a means to harmony in this world.

Am I an ideologue?  Maybe.


But hey, I only want to “make every effort to live in peace with all men and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord.” What about you?  How can we live “in the right” and at peace?

About pkingjones

An avid world traveler moving back to Eastern Europe. Husband and Father of one.
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1 Response to So, What Does Burning The Qur’an Mean To You?

  1. Abby says:

    I think it’s interesting that we are called to be the hands and feet of Jesus, but not the mouth. Sometimes, most times actually, we just need to be quiet and let the Lord speak for Himself. TPWDNSO would do good to remember that. We don’t need to defend God. He can defend Himself. Our job is to be know by our love. To follow Christ to the best of our ability and leave the justice to our perfect Creator. I know I sound idealistic, but that’s what the word says to me.
    As for the reaction of muslims… of course violence is not an apporpriate or reasonable reaction. Of course there should be a call to end the murder. No question. But burning the koran is an act of violence in the eyes of muslims. Neither are ok.
    Very thought-provoking as usual Adam! Love that you cause me to think!

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